Three reasons why relationships doesn’t last

Key points

You are not interested enough to do the work

You value more appearance than what’s underneath

You both are together for all the wrong reasons

Let’s face it, everything meaningful and fulfilling takes time and effort. First date night becomes everyday breakfast and weekends together. I love just the idea of being in love. It feels amazing, all those butterflies in the stomach and oh the touch. However, before you know it, you are fighting over every little thing. Then comes my favorite, one of you says I need some space and the other feels hurt.

Ever wonder why does this happen. Well here is my experiences, I am guilty of being with my exes because I was afraid of being alone. I didn’t want to die alone. I did not love him at all. Soon I realize I broke up with him. And to another time I was seeing a guy, and then I decided to keep it going because I felt pity for him. I know, none of the above is a reason to be with someone. Not proud of my self.

When you really love someone, you will know it in your heart. Without a doubt. A few years ago, when I met my children’s father, I knew he was going to be by my side no matter what. As well as me, too. It has not been always rainbows and butterflies. We understand each other. We do not play the blame game or the silent treatment. A genuine conversation resolves almost everything. We are able to do so because we know the other is ready to listen and cares to know what’s in our minds bubble.

The takeaway

Do not try so hard to try and find someone perfect. None of us really is. Cheesing after what a fulfilling relationship looks like in your head might be different in real life. Ask this one question, Do I really love and respect this person, am I ready to do the work. Then with the answer you have, you will either It’s worth or not your effort and time.