Things only sensitive people can understand

Though sensitivity is a gift, often time it is misunderstood as being too dramatic or childish. We are told to just toughen up. A Sensitive person has a unique perspective of the world and people around them. Furthermore, this personality trait makes us feel lonely because the fast track world we live in does not get us. Below are five important views to help folks understand a sensitive friend or a family member better.

We do not need anyone to fix us: Yup! I am sure you have heard this phrase at least once. We like to analyze and re-think before making any decision, no matter how insignificant it seems to others. It is hard for us to open up and share our feelings, however when we do, please don’t make us regret. Just listen to what we have to say before jumping to give us your advice, or your go-to solutions. If you do, then we might not open up to you ever again.

We prefer few close friends over a room full of acquaintances

We like to socialize, it’s just that we like to surround ourselves with people we trust and know very well. Having a room full of faces that we barely recognize makes us uncomfortable. We live our life intentionally, and value our precious time more than anything. Having to be a part of a group that doesn’t resonate with us leaves us exhausted.

A meaning full deep conversation lifts us up

We actually run away from a chit-chat and how is the weather today topic. As a sensitive person, we love to get to know someone underneath their surfaces. Because we know everyone has something wonderful to share, which makes them interesting to listen. It is difficult for us to stay focused if the conversation is not engaging, as we are always thinking and easily distracted.

The conclusion

At times, this gift feels as if it was a curse. Being a sensitive person is not easy. We are vulnerable to peoples energy to whom we come into contact. It is very overwhelming to get through our emotions, because we feel them very intensely. We do feel other’s pain and feelings as if they are ours.

Yes, we can flourish in the nature and in the company of our close friends and family members. Seeing violence shakes us to our core, even if it is fiction. We need plenty of me time to recharge our batteries.


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