Key point
- As we grow older, the curiosity and open-minded once we had feds away, however it is possible to re-learn it.

After a long time, I actually had the time to sit back and reflect to my own life. It helps me realize how I get through my day running like a some kind of robot. Getting things done became a priority, I had forgotten how amazing and beautiful life is, just the touch of fresh air and the sun on the skin feels so soothing
Sharing a cup of tea while video chating with my sister is better than a day at the spa. We recalled better sweet memories and laughed out. I told her how grateful I am to have her in my life. It does make me sad how we chase happiness and yet do not realize it around us. We have become so focused on pursuing material and being busy on hope that it will make us happy, we ignore the treasure of simplicity in our lives
Being happy does not require big events or greatest achievements. Though it calls for us to be more present, to see with the eyes of a child full of curiosity. My hope is that we learn again to feel alive, to enjoy our loved one’s company. Get ready to laugh it off. Wake up, asking yourself what is one simple thing that you can do today to make your day alive. Rather than going through it like a machine.
Live a life that is true to you. Remember, even if you have the latest and greatest, it cannot make you fulfilled. Bring back the child in you. Re-learn to enjoy the sunny day. The rain and how it smells while falling on the earth. A movie night with a family and popcorn. Feel it in your heart when you say I love you. Learn to listen after asking someone how they are. Practice gratitude for being able to experience every high and every low. Be open-minded, even crying like a baby cleans your soul.
You are also greatest gift for me, love you.
Simplicity is really the Key
Happiness doesn’t come from big thinks. It comes from small events of your life but you have to develop a strong mind set. You are an amazing sister.