We are living in a world, which pushes us to have more, achieve more, be more. Where even being happy, is not good enough. Because you could be happier, you know. Is it ever enough? I am asking you to take a look at your life. If not, the thirst for more continues to fool you.
The need for more
Why do you need more? Ask yourself a question, do I really want to have more? Or am I running around because I feel pressure from family, friend or society in general. Or is it my mind that is telling me to achieve more and more.
I can not tell you enough, it is this vicious cycle created to keep us trapped. Everyone and everything is selling you something. They sell products to cover your own insecurities in exchange for. Your time that you trade for money.
Avoid the trap
The money that you do not have, that is why they give you a credit card. All of this is made up to steal our freedom. The freedom has become just an idea, a fantasy. How can you be free if all you can do is work your butt off to pay off credit. After all, being free means to be conscious of your choices and decisions.
What’s more
It is just an idea that you are buying

They sell you the idea of your happiness, Your beauty, your social status. And you just buy their lies. Believing, this is what you need. But materials can not make you happy, neither it gives you a sense of fulfillment. In order to feel happy, to need to work on yourself.
Do not fall on the trap. Because they are just using your fear to get to you. After all, fear is a powerful emotion. For instance, we buy an anti-aging cream because we are afraid of being old. Like wise, we buy trendy clothes to be accepted by our peers.
Take your freedom back
You are as intelligent as the person who created the advertisement to sell you products. They research and create the perfect sentences and pictures to make you buy. Therefore, you must check with your needs rather just buying. Materials may facilitate your life, but will never make you happy.
More money, more clothes, more friends, more beauty, the more of everything. It is just a belief system.
Ask yourself, do I really need more to feel happy?
Money is mythsππππβ€οΈ
Money is mythsππππβ€οΈ